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ECC News 

This page will bring you all our News,  Including any disruptions in the centre,  any good news we have to share and feedback on our social events and fun days 


Jazz Night Sat 26 Oct 

Was a complete success and enjoyed by all attended

We held another Jazz night with the Almost Big Band, they were playing for tribute to members of their band who have passed this year. It was a very good night and enjoyed by all. what a lovely way to remember friends who are no longer with us.   

Another successful Youth day 50 + children aged 11 to 16 came and enjoyed the Community Centre, playing Nerf Wars , Dodge ball, Table Football, Table Tennis and Arts and Crafts. There was also  pizza and a tuck shop, all for £3 entry.  Well done to the ERF and the Final Straw for hosting.

Youth Day
Tues Oct 29  

for children 11yrs to 16 yrs


Local Phamacy 
The Emsworth Community Centre would like to say a big thankyou to The Emsworth Pharmacy and all their customers for their donations from the counter donation box.
Thank you so much for your support

Interior of Pharmacy
Room refurb
Room refurb

Rooms refurbished with newly painted walls and new chairs.   

Throughout the last few months The Mumford rooms 1-2 and 3 have  been refurbished,  newly painted walls and new floors in all of them.

We have also updated our chairs. 

Great feedback has been received from our Members and Hirers for all the changes we have made. 

We want to say a big Thank you to all the Hirers for their patience while they have changed rooms so we could undertake these updates.  

Trustees required 

Emsworth Community Association manages Emsworth Community Centre for the benefit of the local community.

The Centre hosts over eighty different activities each week for people of all ages, from dance and exercise classes through to films, social events, art and adult educational classes.

Emsworth Library and Emsworth Men’s Shed are located within its premises.

Emsworth Community Association is funded mainly by its members, fundraising and room hire.


Trustees meet monthly for a couple of hours in the evening.

Some trustees offer hands on support to community activities, such as table tennis and youth days.

Support will be provided so a lack of knowledge about trustee duties is not an issue.

Please look at our website (under construction) and our Facebook page for further information about the centre.

If you are looking to support the work of Emsworth Community Association and wish to contribute your enthusiasm and experience and would be interested in becoming a Trustee, please get in touch with us.


Send a covering letter and your curriculum vitae to: Richard Stepien, ECA Chairman

Email:  Centre Manager


If you are looking to support the work of Emsworth Community Association and wish to contribute your enthusiasm and experience and would be interested in becoming a Trustee, please get in touch with us.


Send a covering letter and your curriculum vitae to: Richard Stepien, ECA Chairman

Email:  Centre Manager


detailing your skills and interests such as:


Practical hands-on support at events

Information Technology



Project Management

or any other relevant experience.


We very much look forward to hearing from you.


Eligibility: You must not be disqualified from acting as a Trustee under the Charities Act and if selected, you will be required to sign a declaration of eligibility, and to declare any potential conflicts of interest.

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