Emsworth Community Centre managed by Emsworth Community Association
Charity No 1181509
Films and Social events for the coming month

Welcome everyone to our new website. We hope that it will eventually contain everything that you are looking for. Please note that some areas are still under construction, so please bear with us and in the meantime please drop us an email if you require any information. Our details are at the bottom of the page.

Check out the News page for all our news and reviews
we charge £3.00 per session
We do ask that you become a member of the Community Centre for the grand price of £5 a year.

Contact Stephen Long - 01243 389790 - 07749179242
Email - stephen.long@emsworthcommunitycentre.org.uk for details.
or Brian 07793112298

Meet some of the Team
Table tennis at the centre is for all age groups. Perfect for keeping fit, meeting people, and having fun.
These sessions are usually open on Monday Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon
Some of the Friday members
We also hosted a Children in need 24 hour game in 2022 and raised just under £7,000
it was a joint effort with other Teams from Fareham and Gosport and it was a huge success the event was opened by Will Bailey gold medalist and Letitia McMullean ladies winner
Younger group on Wednesday evening

All about Table Tennis at the Centre
Maybe it was at school, through an official club, or as part of a leisure centres activities or across the dining table with the family but one thing is certain we've all encountered Table Tennis at some point on life's journey. Did you think that it was a game you played in the past.
Well be assured it is very much still alive and its played at the centre on a regular basis.
All are welcome to come a join an already successful group of teams which cover all age groups and abilities. We even have a league
We play across six tables and we have great coaches, some of which have won trophies for the sport and we also have a robot to help with training.
Our sessions take place on:
Wednesday and Friday afternoon 2:30 - 4:30pm and Sunday evening 6:30 to 8:30
Contact Stephen Long - 01243 389790 - 07749179242 for details. ​stephen.long@emsworthcommunitycentre.org.uk
or Brian - 07793112298